I must admit I am a bit maniac for India in general and Aurveda in particular but I it really does wonders for me so I would like to share with you my two favourite addresses.

First of all, about Ayurveda. It is the ancient Indian medicine, based on the principles of the three Doshas, Vata, Pitta, Kapha (air, fire, water). Each person has one or two predominant dosha and is healthy as long as they are in balance. When this is not the case there come problems. Ayurveda helps you to keep or restore balance using herbal remedies, massages and other similar techniques with the help of oils, yoga and meditation. The idea is that unbalance creates illness. I will not give you more details as I am not that expert. To you to look for more info on this topic. I will move to the inuseful information.

Home for Ayurveda is Kerala, in South India. And that is where I have been five times, four in Somatheeram and one, this year, in Attika Beach Resort.

Somatheeram is in Kowalam and overlooks a beautiful beach on the ocean. You can stay in very confortable cottages with an al fresco veranda for you only. Treatments are decided with the doctors and are usually three per day including different massages plus other such as face packs, back treatments, cleaning of eyes, ears and nose, etc.




Yoga and meditation fill the rest of the day together with books and beachlife. Wonderful vegetarian food is served at all hours in your room or at the restaurant. When in need of  seeing lots of people the Resort will organize nice excursions for you. The location is near the famous back waters where you can have a – bit boring – one day or half day cruise. But you can also go to the tea plantations or to shop in Trivandrum.

This year Somatheeram did not have rooms available when I wanted to go there so I made some internet investigations and ended up at Nattika Beach Resort, always on the beach but more North, near Truissur and Cochin.


It is right on the beach and very well kept. I had a very nice villa like the ones in the picture, all for me. I spent hours reading on the veranda in front of the beach. They are air conditioned and have safe, TV, minibar and a large bathroom.

The beach, as you can see from the picture, is kilometers long and semi-deserted. A real paradise.



Treatments were decided and controlled by the doctors of which the senior one was a very nice lady always very elegant in her colored saris. As in Somatheeram, I had 3 treatments per day lasting around three hours. Every morning I attended meditation and yoga classes starting very early (I will not tell you it was 7 am because even I can not believe I did it). After that treatments then relax and the attempt to get suntanned on the beach (this one activity less successful than the previous).


Results of the treatements and stay have been amazing every single time. Extremely relaxed, energy restored, body finally clean and functioning properly I went back home feeling really well and able to run the mile again.

I know what you are thinking, how long does it last? Depends on what awaits you at home, but at least a few months.

Then just like me you will be ready to go back to Kerala again and again.

Somatheeram Ayurvedic Health Resort
Chowara P.O., South of Kovalam
Trivandrum – 695 501,
Kerala, India Phone: +91 471 22 665 01/02/03
Fax: +91 471 22 665 05
Email: info@somatheeram.org

Nattika Beach Resort
Nattika Beach P.O,
Nattika, Thrissur,
Kerala, India-680 566
Ph (Resort) : +91 487 2396770, 2402770/ 71/ 72
Fax (Resort) : +91 487 2396771

Central Reservation: +91 487 2404182
Email: nattika@vsnl.net Website: www.thenattikabeach.com



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