As nearly every woman I am always looking for the perfect beauty products and skincare in particular, only to get bored after a while and start looking again. This time it is lasting longer, much longer. I discovered Sulwhasoo products dring a flash and happily single vacation in Hong Kong last october. Being alone I have been able to surf and also to deeply dig into all department stores there – and I grant you there are a lot and BIG!

In one of these explorations, I noted a long queue of oriental women (but are they not nearly oriental there?) at the counter who seemd to sell skincare products. Better than a magnete for me. In fact I started watching, asking, queing and testing all at the same time and ended up buying a bag full of products. And I am still using this brand.

Concentrated Ginseng Renewing Eye CreamSulwhasoo Perfecting Cushion Brightening

Sulwhasoo Camellia Hair Oil

Sulwhasoo is a Corean brand started by a family producing the camelia oil, beauty secret for hair know to oriental women only. Then they started to develop new products all with natural ingredents from Corea. Now the company belongs to Pacific Amore, not known in Europe, but the biggest beauty group in the Far East area and based in Cina. But Sulwhasoo is still the top brand and based in Corea, with quality guarantee.

I have tried a fair range of moisturising, cleansing and anti age products plus the famous camelia oil and I can assure you all of them are top products, no comparison with the usual stuff we buy in Europe. They don’t come cheap but the quantity used is very small so they last longer and also they send you so many samples you have products for months only with them. And with camelia oil your hair will look shining and healthy. Try first the Ginseng range, the creams are unique. You will get addicted, be careful.

Both don’t deliver to Italy, but products can also be found in Amazon

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