New techno gadgets are coming out every day but I found these two quite interesting. The first maybe more useful than the second, but it depends from each person’s needs.

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The fist it is a useful and clever gadget to have always some batteries to recharge your mobile phone.I have noted that whilst in the past phone batteries lasted nearly one week, today smartphone battetries do not last more than one day and even less. To overcome the problem, Noah Dentzel et Adam Miller, two young american entrepreneurs have found THE solution. With their start up NOMAD, financed in crowd-funding, these two engineers have created the «ChargeCard» and the «ChargeKey».  The concept is very easy. Put an end to dead batteries. Thanks to ChargeKey and ChargeCard, you will always have these micro chargers in your wallet or on a key holder. With a design which is really minimalistic and small size, these gadgets can save your life. You will not soffer anymore from the »Ihavenobatteriesanymore» syndrom. They are both solde on line in the official website for the affordable amount of 25$, the connections are ok both for the last Smartphones (Apple, Samsung, Nokia…) and for tablets. You can charge your phone with a TV, a PC, in the car or in flight, all USB possible connections.


The secong gadget is a bit of a leasury one (maybe you lived without it happily until now, but let’s face it, you did not know it existed!). It is the bracelet anti sun strike and sun burn. It has been launched in June by Netatmo and it measures the sun exposure in every moment of the day. It is the first jewel that does that and he communicates with your smartphone. It sends you suggestions in real time on how to best protect yourself. The small shaped stone, designed by Camille Toupet (who worked with jewellery brands such as Dinh Van and Boucheron) is on a bracelet in black cuir or on a brooch, is sold at  95 euros, on line or at the Apple stores (from 21 June 2014). It is equipped with a sensor of UV, it connects in Bluetooth with the iPhone of the utilizer who gets suggestions such as kind of sunscreen to be used on her skin type and with a given sun rays intensity. The app can send alarms in case of sun burn risks, can calculate the maximum daily exposure and the amount of sun exposure reached. How could you have lived without it???

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