
Er Biologgico a Campo de’ Fiori is Osvaldo’s  stall at Campo de’ Fiori, one of the most famous food markets in Rome. It is in the center of the square, behind the monument. I have been buying from him for so many years now that we have become friends and have long chats on natural products. Not to mention a strong Piedmont accent we have in common:)

He’s there every week excluding summer from Thursday to Sunday. What is so special about this stall? Osvaldo sells only bio products and very selected ones. The best honey, natural creams and soaps. But also the best aloe juice I ever found and a special product, aloe with honey. This used to be found only at the Vatican farmacy before because it is a recepy prepared by a monk and apparently reinforcing the body, cleaning it and preventing cancer. It is a mix of chipped aloe, honey and some alcohol. One spoon a day and you’ll be perfect!


Other products to be found here are supplements, algae tablets, argan oil.

And ask him about his career as a comic: he has been lots of times on TV!

No time to go to Campo de Fiori or not living in Rome? No worry, Osvaldo has a website where you can order the products and get home delivery!

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