IMG_2833 bra fitting room

All women drem about the perfect bra. No matter how much money we invest and how long we spend to look for it there is always something not perfect: colour, size, too tight, too large, etc. We now have a way out of it.

In the Ghetto in Rome two good looking girls have opened a boutique called pati jo – Bra fitting and lingerie. As the name says they both have a diploma in bra fitting achieved in London and this is what is all about. You need to book an appointement and for around one hour one of the two girls will try and change and show and suggest with tons of bras until you will find the perfect one.

And I can assure you it really makes a difference. And it shows too.

All their lingerie is very sexy and you really feel different and it also is quite cheap. Do you want to have a look? In their website there are examples with prices.

Ah, in summer you get beachwear too with the same characteristics.

pati jo

Try and see!

pati jo  – Via Paganica 9 B – 00186 Roma Tel. 06.837741.48 –


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